Adding, Dropping or Withdrawing Classes

A confirmation email is sent to your Hocking College email account once registration is complete. It is your responsibility to check your account balance any time during the term and inform your parent(s)/guardian of the amount that is owed to the college. When you add/drop classes, any changes in the account are reflected in Self-Service.

Adding a Course

You may add classes through Self-Service prior to the start of each course. A course cannot be added once it has begun.

A paper add/drop form is required:

  1. To add any course that has reached its enrollment cap (filled to capacity). The school dean, commander or program manager signature is required beside the class.
  2. To add any course that will create an overload (over 18 total credit hours for the term) requires a signature from the advisor with a statement explaining the overload. 

Please note:

  1. Additional fees will be applied.
  2. Adding a course will not be allowed after the course has begun.
  3. Adds are not official until entered into the system by the student using Self-Service or by a college official.
  4. The student is responsible for the payment of any additional fees due to adding a class(es) at the time of the transaction. A delinquent balance will cause a hold to be placed on records restricting future registration.

Dropping a Course

You may drop classes through Self-Service prior to the start of each course. Once a course has begun only drops will be processed with the required signatures.

Please note:

  1. Dropping below full time (to less than 12 credit hours for the term) can affect your financial aid status.
  2. Courses completed and/or with grades cannot be dropped.
  3. Refund calculation is based on the regular fee adjustment schedule and withdrawal policy of the college. It is recommended that you talk with your advisor and financial aid counselor prior to dropping any class.
  4. The last day to drop a traditional course for financial aid purposes is the second Friday of the term (no fee adjustment).
  5. See the academic calendar for the last day to drop courses for a “DP” grade on the transcript.
  6. The last day to drop a course with a 100% refund is the day before that class first meets.
  7. Drops are not official until entered into the system by the student using Self-Service or by a college official.
  8. You are responsible for the payment of any fees when dropping a class after the refund period.
  9. You cannot drop all classes for the term through Self-Service. Dropping all classes is a withdrawal. See withdraw instructions below.

Withdrawing from All Courses

The financial obligation for registration will be cancelled only if you follow the official withdrawal process before the start of the term.

Withdrawal requests must be submitted by email to from your Hocking College email.  The email, which must come from the student, needs to include the following information:

  1. First and last name
  2. Student ID number or last 4 digits of the student’s Social Security number
  3. Date of birth
  4. Current mailing address
  5. The term for which they are withdrawing
  6. Explain your reason for withdrawing.

The withdrawal will be official the date the email, with complete information, is received at the Registrar’s Office.  This date is also used to determine any adjustments for residence hall charges (if applicable). For questions call 740-753-7042. You are responsible for any charges on your account if you did not follow the withdrawal process.

Withdrawals are not processed from a phone call request.

Late Drop/Late Withdraw

The dean, commander or program manager of the school in which you are enrolled must approve late drops or withdrawals (after the posted deadline). These are processed only under extenuating circumstances and supporting documentation must be provided.

Courses completed and/or with grades cannot be dropped or withdrawn. Refund calculation is based on the regular fee adjustment schedule and withdrawal policy of the college.


If the course(es) in which you are trying to register requires a prerequisite, an instructor, dean, commander or program manager signature and school stamp is required on an add/drop form.

Contact the Registrar's Office

Hocking College
ATTN: Registrar's Office - JL 184
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville, OH 45764

Fax: 740.753.7065

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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